Going DeeperΒΆ

In Getting Started you saw how to run a simple simulation. This page lets you access the simulation by exploring its attributed and methods. First, set up a parameters file as described in The Parameters File.

Now importing ASQ and the parameters file as a dictionary is simple:

>>> import asq
>>> params = asq.load_parameters("path/to/parameters/file/")
>>> params["Number_of_servers"]
[2, 1, 1]

Set up a Simulation object, from which all parameters can also be accessed:

>>> Q = asq.Simulation(params)
>>> Q.number_of_nodes
>>> Q.queue_capacities
['Inf', 'Inf', 10]
>>> Q.lmbda    # The arrival rates of the system
[[1.0, 1.8, 7.25], [6.0, 4.5, 2.0]]
>>> Q.lmbda[0]    # Arrival rates of the 0th class
[1.0, 1.8, 7.2]

A full list of ASQ’s objects and attributes can be found here: Full List of Objects and Attributes Now to run a simulation simply run the following method:

>>> Q.simulate_until_max_time()

Individuals’ data records can be accessed directly using the following methods:

>>> all_individuals = Q.get_all_individuals()    # Creates a list of all individuals in the system
>>> all_individuals[0]
Individual 13
>>> all_individuals[0].data_records.values()[0][0].wait    # Time Individual 13 was waiting for this instance of service
>>> all_individuals[0].data_records.values()[0][0].arrival_date # Time Individual 13 arrived for this instance of service

The full list data records can be written to a csv file:

>>> Q.write_records_to_file(<path_to_file>)

Please see The Output Data for an explanation of the data contained here.