The Parameters FileΒΆ

ASQ features a load_parameters function that imports a parameters file as a dictionary. This file take is in .yml format. A parameters.yml file of this same format is required for use with The Command Line Tool.

A full example of the parameters file for a three node network with two classes of customer is shown below:

  Class 0:
  - 6.0
  - 4.5
  - 2.0
  Class 1:
  - 1.0
  - 1.8
  - 7.25
detect_deadlock: False
Number_of_classes: 2
Number_of_nodes: 3
- 2
- 1
- 1
- "Inf"
- "Inf"
- 10
  Class 0:
  - - Exponential
    - 7.0
  - - Exponential
    - 5.0
  - - Gamma
    - 0.4
    - 0.6
  Class 1:
  - - Exponential
    - 8.5
  - - Triangular
    - 0.1
    - 0.8
    - 0.95
  - - Exponential
    - 3.0
Simulation_time: 2500
  Class 0:
  - - 0.1
    - 0.6
    - 0.2
  - - 0.0
    - 0.5
    - 0.5
  - - 0.3
    - 0.1
    - 0.1
  Class 1:
  - - 0.7
    - 0.05
    - 0.05
  - - 0.5
    - 0.1
    - 0.4
  - - 0.2
    - 0.2
    - 0.2

The variable names are identical to the keys of the parameters dictionary (The Parameters Dictionary), and the keyword arguments that may also be used.